Selasa, 08 Januari 2013

my activities

afternoon I came home from college, I immediately rushed to go home by climbing public transportation. I do not own home, my home with my friends. The weather that afternoon was getting dark and overcast like it will rain and I was with my friends to ride public transportation quick quick. In the full public transportation with the students who want to get home to his house each because of the weather began to get dark. In my public transportation together with my friends talking about a guy who passed before us when I want to climb the public transportation, it is a really cool guy and makes me interested to see it. He was cursed ninja motorcycle yellow color of the bike is my favorite color, and we are very hysterical talk about it.
The weather was getting dark fast I think I want to get home quickly in order to gather with family. It was heart began to calm down because the weather was not so dark and the lightning began to ring out. I felt fear in the public transportation.
Rain began to fall and the road began to move up because it rained very heavy. Motor cars and cars began in the middle of crowded streets, they also want quick quick to get home and do not want to linger longer stuck in the middle of the road because of rain.

Public transportation began approaching my home area, I was rushed to contact the house so I could be picked up in the front hallway of the house. My phone began to ring my boyfriend always contact me for fear that I have not got home. I really miss him.
Get off of public transportation I have not seen people pick up my house, I waited while sheltering in the front stalls chicken noodle. Chicken noodle smell makes my stomach sounded and hungry. Visible from far away 'a person using a green raincoat and black motorcycle approached me, it was my brother man! I am very relieved because it will quickly get home. Today is a tiring day for me, and hopefully tomorrow will be better.

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